One of the primary advantages of using direct mail is your ability to divide Cost Of Stamps conquer. Your letter delivers a personal message and makes an offer. Your brochure demonstrates features and dramatizes benefits. Your Texas Food Stamps form calls for action and eases response.
Each piece in a direct mail package performs a specific function and, because each is dedicated to that function, does a better job than a mailer attempting to do everything simultaneously.
With that in mind, consider testing an appropriate insert or involvement device that can boost response enough to offset the additional cost. Here Notary Public Stamp just a handful of ideas:
About the author:
Dean Rieck is a directcreative / direct mail copywriter, designer, and consultant who has helped over 200 leading direct marketing companies increase sales, generate leads, and raise funds with winning direct mail, ads, e-mail, sales letters, brochures, postcards, radio spots, and more. Learn more about Dean's direct mail copywriting and design services and sign up for his free monthly newsletter at directcreative /newsletter directcreative .
Copyright Dean Rieck. You may reprint this article online provided that you keep the links live and keep all the content "as is," including title, author byline, article text, and "about the author" information.
Let's face it: Direct mail selling isn't easy. Especially when recipients don't open your marketing envelope. When these are not opened you don't make money. Period.
Before you can receive an order, the recipient of your mailer must first open your envelope without simply discarding the materials without a second thought.
Because of the high costs of the whole process including printing, envelopes, and postage, your mailing package represents a hefty investment. It doesn't make sense to make this investment, and then have your sales material discarded in unopened mailings.
But with the following tips, you will have a substantial reduction in the number of mail and a Looney Tunes Stamp Collecting profitable increase in sales.
1. If you envelope looks like junk mail, it will be treated as such. The solution is simple - don't mail your material in envelopes that look like junk mail.
2. Avoid using mailing labels, because they make your envelopes look like junk mail.
3. Type the addresses or neatly write them on your envelopes.
4. If you don't have time to Postage Stamp Collecting or I Want To Sell My Old Stamps your addresses, then pay someone to address the envelopes for you. Pay them for each envelope they address; do not pay them by the hour.
6. If you must use labels, then use colored ones.
7. If colored labels are too expensive, you can color white labels with a marking pen. Fluorescent marking pens are especially good for this purpose. You can find these just about anywhere.
8. Use colored envelopes.
9. Use first class postage and print FIRST CLASS in several places on the envelope. An inexpensive rubber stamp, with red ink, makes an "official" looking impression.
10. Do not use rubber stamps on your envelopes - very tacky!
11. Also do not use return address labels.
12. Invest in a print shop to print your return address on your outgoing envelopes.
13.Preferably employ a colored typewriter ribbon to address envelopes.
14. Use a colored pen to address envelopes - maybe red or green and use large envelopes.
A few of these methods are a little odd, and a few are more pricey than normal methods, but they will all help to get your envelopes opened and increase your sales. Use these tips with your own business and watch your sales grow.
Reggie loves direct marketing and advises business owners to keep good tax records. See: 529taxhelp / 529 Tax Help.