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Here are the quick and easy steps to get your free PS3. these are more detailed than the video so read the description
Step 1: Click on the link.
Step 2: Sign up and choose an account type (Referal method is the easier of the two options.)
Step 3: Complete just one offer. I did free trial(which is the easiest one) and then cancelled the trial when I received it, so I didn't have to pay a dime. As long as you cancel it within a first month you don't get charged! They make their money off the people who forget to cancel it. Thats why this system works.
Step 4: Refer 10-14 people to do the same. The number of people you have to refer depends on what you want. Since, I wanted the 60GB PS3, I needed to refer 14 people.
Step 5: Choose your own way of refering people. I chose Ebay and noticed way faster results. You can post it on your MySpace account or personally tell your friends to sign up by word of mouth. The choice is yours. The PS3s are paid for by companies who compensate advertisers for providing them with new customers (you & me).
Step 6: Receive your PS3 .The best part!! Honestly there is no reason not to try it. I wouldn't be wasting my time if this didn't work. I don't work for some company trying to sell you something. I'm just a kid trying to get another free PS3 and show other people how to do the same. You don't hear about these programs all that much because people think it is too good to be true so they don't give it a shot. I thought the same thing, but I was so wrong. It doesn't cost anything if you do the trial. They do ask for a credit card but nothing gets charged to it if you do, I promise. Thanks for looking...
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